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The implications of European Monetary Union for the UK Financial Services industry have been inescapable. SAP and its partners PriceWaterhouse and Digital, commissioned Anderson Baillie to communicate their respective solutions to the market with respect to EMU.

SAP deliver their solution for EMU

EMU Forum initiative

Anderson Baillie conceived the EMU Forum initiative, which created an independent and open forum to debate the ongoing impact of EMU, as the market headed towards the first wave of compliance in January 1999.

Keynote addresses on the UK and European perspective

Key industry figures such as the Rt. Hon Lord Kingsdown along with a representative from a leading German bank were drafted to offer keynote addresses on the UK current situation and also the European perspective. Anderson Baillie designed, planned and project managed the whole campaign programme and have continued to develop further initiatives under the EMU Forum banner.

“The EMU Forum concept has been extremely successful, we have been faced with an overwhelming response. Its success reflects Anderson Baillie’s total marketing solution approach and all round marketing abilities.”

Neil Warrior Marketing Manager, SAP (UK) Ltd

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