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SOS 2001 Anderson Baillie appointed to project manage and co-ordinate the National Office Products Trade Exhibition

Anderson Baillie’s Projects division successfully project managed the next series of National Office Products Trade Exhibitions - SOS2001.

Aimed at UK office products resellers and dealers

The exhibition series aimed at UK office products resellers and dealers retained the support of the major branded manufacturers and suppliers of office stationery, electronic office suppliers, and furniture products.

Over 90 manufacturers and suppliers were signed up to support SOS2001 off the back of the success of SOS2000.

Sponsored by Spicers & Hewlett Packard

Spicers, the UK’s leading office products wholesaler and distributor along with Hewlett-Packard were the main sponsors.

SOS 2001 -  Anderson Baillie appointed to project manage and co-ordinate the National Office Products Trade Exhibition

The exhibition series is acknowledged to have replaced the noticeable gap in the office products market for a national trade exhibition.

Anderson Baillie’s brief was to co-ordinate and project manage all elements of the exhibition campaign from pre-show promotion, visitor registration to all exhibition stand logistics and installation.

Development of the on-line process

One of the extremely successful aspects of the SOS2001 series has been the development of the on-line process – exhibitors had all the information required on the web-site as well as an on-line show catalogue developed specifically for the show. All visitors were able to register for any of the 5 venues via one dedicated site.

Stewart Barton-Taylor, Spicers Merchandising Director comments,

"UK dealers were surprised at the scale of the exhibition series in 2000 and the fact that all the major manufacturers and suppliers were fully represented at the shows.

We had no hesitation in reappointing Anderson Baillie for SOS2001 based on their excellent creative, management and organisational skills which was a main contributory factor to the success of SOS2000".

Philippa White, Anderson Baillie Project Manager comments,

"The concept of a trade show run for the industry by the industry has been overused in the past, but in the case of the SOS exhibition series has proved to be a success.

We have proved that we can take the mountain to Mohammed by running a national scale trade exhibition five times in consecutive weeks in five major UK and Ireland exhibition venues.

The only way we have been able to do this is to manage the complete logistics including installing all stand and presentation systems, along with transporting all exhibitors’ products and merchandise. When you are talking about over 90+ exhibitors including furniture manufacturers this is no mean feat".

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