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TIBCO appoint Anderson Baillie to project manage their launch into the energy market

Anderson Baillie were approached by TIBCO after successfully delivering a large scale conference/exhibition for one of their partners. The brief was to devise and manage a seminar, NETA 2001 The Power of Now, aimed at addressing the “New Electricity Trading Arrangements” launched by the Government on 27 March 2001.

The seminar required a venue that would suggest an energy or technology theme to promote relevant interest in TIBCO’s audience. A selective venue search led Anderson Baillie’s a2b Projects to The Science Museum in London, because of its ‘high-tech’ environment and industry specific exhibits.

Anderson Baillie’s design team extended the energy theme to create a campaign brand, including the slogan “power up”, reflecting TIBCO’s corporate strapline “The Power of Now.” The brand was extended across all event communication, direct mail, presentation material, signage and other seminar collateral.

In addition, Anderson Baillie a2b Projects managed all project planning and logistics including

  • venue search, selection and management
  • supplier liaison and contract negotiation
  • creative content and campaign planning
  • pre-conference and conference registration
  • event merchandise
  • evening entertainment programme and hospitality

The delegate attendance figures exceeded target levels, representing 25% of the mailing list. Delegates also remarked in the post event follow-up that the venue and event organisation were excellent.

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