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SOS 2000 Anderson Baillie appointed to project manage and co-ordinate the National Office Products Trade Exhibition

In order to capitalise on their position as industry leader withinthe Office Supplies market, Spicers wanted to launch anindustry focused exhibition to bring together Spicers suppliersand dealers, in an exchange forum where ideas, productnews, industry specific topics, etc could be discussed.

Five venue regional exhibition series

The event grew in scale and the Anderson Baillie’s Projectswere invited to develop and manage all project logistics fora 5 venue regional exhibition series, negotiating and securingall venues, managing sub-contractors and liaising with over70 exhibitors.

Bringing together thewhole supply chain

SOS 2000 - Anderson Baillie appointed to project manage and co-ordinate the National Office Products Trade Exhibition

Anderson Baillie were tasked with devising and deliveringan event which would showcase Spicers new and existingservices, with the added dimension of bringing together thewhole supply chain from product manufacturers through tooffice solutions dealers who sell to the end user.

Harnessing technology

The strategy behind the marketing communications planwas designed not only to promote the exhibition services,but to reflect and extend Spicers own core competency ofharnessing technology to communicate with their dealersand suppliers.

A dedicated interactive event website was created whichbecame the ‘virtual event office’ where information could beimparted from Anderson Baillie and exhibitors could respondwith the information requested.

Integrated promotional campaign

An integrated promotional campaign comprising of tradeadvertising, direct mail and PR, were used to promote theexhibition services and encourage pre-registration, with thewebsite at the hub of all communications.

Anderson Baillie with their extensive project managementexpertise, were able to manage and integrate all keycomponents of the roadshow, delivered within budget,including:

  • initial stand design and manufacture
  • venue negotiation and selection
  • all exhibitor liaison
  • visitor promotional campaign
  • visitor registration and badging
  • show collateral
  • graphics and signage
  • design and production
  • transport logistics
  • catering and hospitality
  • sourcing venue hotels
  • negotiating exhibitor rates
  • complimentary venue carparking

"Spicers had a vision to create a new market initiative.Anderson Baillie turned that vision into reality. What theyachieved was remarkable, it couldn’t be done butAnderson Baillie delivered."

Stewart Barton-Taylor, European Merchandising Director

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